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Consent Form

I understand that music/art therapy sessions and music/art therapy events at Musical Between are occasionally recorded on audio and/or video and that these recordings may be used for the music/art therapy assessment and evaluation purposes as well as supervision purposes.

I also understand that music/art therapy students may be involved with music/art therapy sessions as part of their clinical placements.

Media Consent

Do you give permission to Musical Between for the photograph(s) or video-recording(s) in Music/Art Therapy Sessions/Events to be used in official Musical Between publicity and promotional material, including website, Facebook page and newspapers?
If yes, please select one of the options below.

NB: Please note that separate consent will be asked for other public activities such as film, research and public presentation purposes.

Thank you for submitting! We will be in contact shortly.

Get in Touch

mbetween@gmail.com0421 744 090

  • Facebook
  • Youtube

2/370 Pennant Hills Rd, Pennant Hills NSW 2120, Australia

©2024 by Musical Between - Inclusive Music Centre

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